Getting your business to a brand recognition standpoint should be the goal of every company. When the general population, or at least your target audience, can determine your brand name just from a verbal, visual, or musical cue, you have reached your consistent marketing goal. Until then — you’ve got a whole lot of work to do.
Building brand consistency not only aids in saving money in the long run, but also builds trust, awareness, and loyalty among consumers. We are constantly touching this key point in the onboarding process to prepare our clients for the future. Because let’s face it, without consistent content and quality, you lose credibility with your audience. Understanding how crucial steps in branding are, we map out strategies to build on their foundation for more appealing conversations. You will want to start planning in advance to review monthly content, if you haven’t already.
Building Regularity Across Channels
Social Relationships – Consumers are addicted to their phones and laptops because they like feeling as if they have made a social connection, hence the term “social media.” If someone doesn’t already know who you or your company are, you need to give them a reason to connect with you. Becoming identified as someone a consumer wants to get to know better is how you begin the professional relationship. Making sure to be approachable and consistent is your best bet to get you there. Once you have secured their trust, the likeliness of them purchasing one of your goods or services, or even recommending you to their peers, becomes much higher.
Brand Personality – Grooming your tone of voice and personality to resemble an actual person will help build relationships for longer customer retention. Have you ever started a friendship with someone who you thought was really awesome and purposefully never spoken to them again? Unlikely. Chances are, you made an effort to spend more time getting to know that person. Same goes with business relationships. If consumers like your personality, they will continue to follow you unless you lose consistency in your messaging or brand presentation.
High Level Marketing – It is time to tighten up your process. Having a reliable brand strategy will begin to market itself through audience appeal. Include all aspects of a brand guideline and you won’t need to spend so much money in PPC advertisements and blogging. We have made a list of traditional items we include in our clients and brands manuals to get you started:
- Logo (and uses)
- CMYK/RGB color palette for easy design reference
- Fonts (and uses throughout copy)
- Filters, icons, and photography styles
- Tone of voice/key messages
- Social media/email graphic template
The Takeaway
You don’t want to reintroduce yourself to consumers every time you come across their news feed. When you post on social media or send an e-newsletter that someone can’t wait to read because they like your brand and what you have to say, you have found brand consistency. Being remembered, trusted, and liked is a clear sign that you have been putting quality content out regularly, holding a tone of voice, and keeping your logos and visuals closely related.
In what ways can you improve consistency in your branding techniques?